STEM Resources
I’ve compiled a list of STEM Resources because I wanted to share effective teaching tools that have helped me. This list is of course not exhaustive, so if you come across a good/fun resource feel free to send it my way.
There’s numerous textbooks on each subject mentioned, so I thought to provide more audio-visual and interactive supplemental resources. If you’re interested in which textbooks I would recommend, feel free to email me.
Learn Math:
Paul’s online math notes has everything for high school and undergraduate students learning math. Notes, Practice problems with step-by-step solutions, clear explanations, and it’s free and easy to access.
For linear algebra, calculus, and more, check out the series by 3Blue1Brown.
For abstract algebra, number theory, mathematica, and more, check out Socratica.
For linear systems (undergrad level), check out Linear Physical Systems Analysis which was put together by Erik Cheever at Swarthmore.
For nonlinear dynamical systems and more, check out Shane Ross. He’s kind enough to upload many lectures to youtube for free.
For nonlinear dynamical systems, applied linear algebra, operator theory, machine learning, koopman operator theory, etc. check out Nathan Kutz. He’s kind enough to upload many lectures to youtube for free.
For network systems, check out Francesco Bullo. He’s kind enough to upload many lectures to youtube for free.
The Data Science for Dynamical Systems course is highly recommended.
For Koopman operator theory and dynamical systems, check out Igor Mezic. He’s kind enough to upload many lectures to youtube for free.
For general math interest, check out Numberphile.
For some game theoretic dynamical systems, check out Primer
Learn Introductory Physics:
Physics Youtube Channels to spark interest:
Learn introductory Coding / Computer Science:
- For python, java, c++, and several other languages, check out Codecademy for free interactive tutorials.
- For python, SQL, and more instructional videos, check out Socratica.
Coding / CS Youtube Channels to spark interest: